We have finished the direct analysis of our Cubist paintings today and I definitely gained farther insight into how to experience Cubist artwork. Hearing and seeing other people's ideas prove that a Cubist painting can never be looked at in the same way; it's a different experience each time. A very interesting discovery I made with my painting of the Violin and the Glass was the possibility that Gris used color to distinguish the changing views of the same object, such as the violin being white and orange on one side and then black and blue on the other. This concept helped me start to see the overall composition better as a whole and even distinguished the objects versus the space better. Below are the diorama model and the layering model.
these turned out well... i think that the direction of the topography+architecture assignment benefited from these findings. i think, tho, that the neon green roof could have served as the ramp itself (that you added elsewhere as reference to the corbusian house). the drawing, as i noted, was exquisite... (except for the writing on it... :/