Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Excercising Cubism

After completing our study of the Cubist paintings themselves, although the art is always up for debate, we moved on to a more architecture-related topic.  Designing a landscape and building based off of the Cubist painting with an influence from a Corbusier building.  I decided to combine my Violin and the Glass painting with Le Corbusier's Villa Shodan.  I started with Corb's idea of the ramp in architecture acting as a Cubist mechanism allowing a person to experience multiple spaces at one time.  I derived the landscape from the basic shapes of the painting and gave them different inclines.  I continued to reference Villa Shodan through my monumental walls that direct different views just like a Cubist painting and that took similar form to the Bris-Soleil.  It is very basic, two building masses separated by an open entry in between them.  The building form is very solid and gradually "dissolves" as it reaches the other end.

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