Saturday, October 16, 2010

Site Drawdel

After visiting the site and getting a better idea of the spaces I moved on to try and combine the diagrams I have as suggested by my professor.  I lightly drafted the regulating lines constructed from the building edges onto the strathmore and cut out the building and street profiles as they are boundaries.  I mounted the strathmore to black foamcore for rigidity and used my 'vision' diagram that showed where the possible site could be within view of the Carpenter Center as what I would raise and lower in my drawdel.  I debated whether the 'ramping' of this element should get higher as it gets to the points of constricted circulation or if it should start high and become part of the drawing plane at these points.  Inclining the paper up to the point of constricted circulation would reflect the idea of it being harder to go up a ramp than down just like going through a tight space rather than an open one.  On the other hand declining the strathmore to the points of constricted circulation would reflect almost a solution for the problem and it was also a more graphical method of showing open circulation vs. constricted circulation.  I chose the second of the two choices creating a decline as circulation became more constricted.  Finally, I placed the actual sidewalk circulation over the drawdel to show contrast to Harvard's building grid and also the current circulation...although it was not necessarily a contributor to the main idea behind the site drawdel.

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