Monday, October 25, 2010


I finally finished my collage after restarting it because my first attempt was not what I was looking for.  I started the final collage by cutting up strips of any grass in pictures of the site and then proceeded to place them one at a time by making a decision, placing it and leaving it.  I then moved on to the buildings which are adjacent to my intervention's site.  it transitions from grass, to the pathways, to the buildings, to the sky. Something I discovered through this was that the green aspect continues from the ground to the sky through the trees.  Here's the final product:

I proceeded to create a basic model for a conceptual idea I have using aspects of the collage.  It focuses on the brick continuing up the facade of the buildings.  I would like to translate this idea into my building but with grass and greenery.  My concept is to have the ground 'ripple' as it gets close to the building corners and then rise up out of the ground in the empty space between them.

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